
What is Piggy?


1. Fat kid with glasses who gets smashed by a large bolder in the Lord of the Flies.

1. "Piggy's arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pig's after it has been killed."


A slang term for a female (little drunk girl) who likes to party and bang guys. It can also be used as a negative connotation to describe a girl who turned you down.

1. So hey, did you see the little piggy I picked up last night? I took her back to her place and banged her silly. The little slut even let me give her anal and then blow it down her throat.

2. Can you believe that little piggy turned me down. And she fucked the Kinbpin for Chrissakes!


5-0; po-po; derogatory term for a police officer

e.g. God damn it piggy here ya'll, book it!!


A nickname for Sheffield united fans invented by Sheffield Wednesday fans.

Mainly due to their unhygenic appearance and their wearing of streaky bacon colours.

Look at that red and white piggy bastard from the poor side of Sheffield


A male, often overweight intellectual. Is generally used in a complimentary fashion. Comes from the character Piggy in Lord of the Flies.

Piggy, you're the coolest, smartest guy on the planet.

See Jess


A slang term for cops.

oh crap the piggys are coming get the weed and run.

See pigs, coppers, police, fuzz, bacon


what jaggalos/ettes and psychopathic records workers call rich people sometimes

piggy - rich snobby person

chicken - redneck

lets kill that piggy because he listens to feminem and is a snobby bitch!

See morning wood


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