
What is Pithy?


A word used by Bill O'Reilly on every episode of his Fox News Channel show "The O'Reilly Factor" to describe witty comments.

"Keep 'em Pithy! - Bill O'Reilly, "The O'Reilly Factor"


Full of meaning or force, containing a definite point.

Wow that speech Bob gave the other day was pithy! So easy to understand, he really stuck to the point.


Pithy = concise, to the point.

Most politicans are not pithy - politicans by their nature usually can not keep their comments concise or to the point. Most voters would appreciate political leaders who could get their points across in a concise forceful way - without alot of bloviating - keeping it pithy !

See brief, focused


Containing much pith; concise and forcefully expressive

" 'Tis an exceedingly pithy orange."

Bill O'Reilly is known for asking his viewers to send in pithy comments.

See pith, terse, brief


Full of or resembling pith, to the point, brief yet forceful.

While pithing at the urinal, Geraldo made a pithy remark to the burly man pithing next to him...it engendered a pithy reply and the loss of his Rolex watch.


something absurd or ridiculous

teacher: sit down stevie

stevie: bitch this shit is a pithy


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