
What is Pity?


The chief export of Mr. T.

Me:I made out with a fat chick.

Mr.T:I pity the fool

Me: points at self

Mr.T:Nods head

See mr.t, a-team, regret, pity, fools


what you have when you feel sorry for someone and want to do something good for them.

I pity him so i walked over to him and talked to him

See pity, hate, loner, love, happy, depression, depressed


stems from pity sex or sex with someone you don't consider to be of the same caliber as yourself. to have sex with someone.

i'd have pity on your mom for like two and a half minutes. i don't want to bragmaybe three. okay, at least five if i was thinking about baseball.

See pity sex, pity, sex, fuck, bodybagger, your mom


Something the strong offer the weak due to some internal feeling of sorrow or sadness for them. However totally unnecessary and should be given to noone.

Pity should be given to noone


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