
What is Players?


N. Plural form of the word player. See also playa.

1. A group of people, usually guys, who "play" or manipulate others to ultimately get what they want, like sex or money, by using charm, game, and a often, a lot of lies. Usually, they act cool, cocky and think they're " all that" -- God's gift to the earth. However, underneath the game of all players, you will find an insecure person who depends on his player image to build his ego and make himself and others think he's the shit. Players need to feel worshipped. Male players usually call their women some term that reduces them to sex objects, like baby doll.

Watch out for those players who are on those dating websites. They pose like they're the shit and that anyone would be lucky to date them. They're not all that, those damn players! Let's play those players, girlfriends!

See player, playa, cocky, game, all that


The shittiest kind of rolling papers you can buy

fuck players, zig-zags are the way to go

See papes, papers, zig-zag, joint, weed


Randies using numbers instead of aliases. Player to watch: 333.

Players, rollin' since '02.

See player404


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