
What is Pmr?


Acronym: Proto Matrix Rail

A very high-end Paintball Marker!

Busta : Yo i just got an SLG!

Chuy : Yea, well i got an PMR!

Busta : DAMN!!

See pmr, proto, marker


teh best there is, teh best there was, and teh best there ever will be.


an AMAzIN webcomk prolly teh best in wurld.

Yaha Arh har


Pink Megaman Recolor

OMFG! he is leik th colest persn evar! go two

fusionrift/pinkmegamanrecolor nd vot fr him on twc! nd red te comiks.


Pmr said : watz a dildo?


Pink Megaman Recolor

Teh bst spriter evar :> read hiz comikz plz.

lol PMR iz kool


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