What is Political Sock Puppet?


Used to describe a person who has no original thoughts, opinions, or ideas of his/her own. Instead they regurgitate the "party-line" or talking points of others; usually of their particular political party.

Sock puppets can be seen on FauxNews and on Talk Radio. The GOP will put out its talking points and you can pick out the sock puppets because they will repeat the talking points; usually words for word.

Sock puppets can be seen among the Democrats and Left as well typically among young liberals who have adopted liberal bias without actually thinking. These specimens exist but are far more uncommon than amoung the Republicans, conservatives, christians and other right-wingers. Whose sock puppets cover the entire spectrum, as right-wingers are more likely to accept things on faith alone. Because if their leaders say its true, then it has to be true.

1. Get a clue! You're Dubya's sock puppet.

2. Limbaugh is a GOP sock puppet.

3. Look you sock puppet if I wanted to hear from you I'd turn on FauxNews.

4. "It's Clintons fault."

5. The GOP speaks and the mouths of a thousand political sock puppets move.

Examples of people who are Political Sock Puppets are

Rush Limbaugh

Sean Hannity

Bill O'reilly

George W Bush

Tony Snow

Every "Ditto-head"

Most christians

Almost all conservatives

ALmost all Republicans

See bush, cheney, george bush, george w bush, limbaugh, rush limbaugh, bill o'reilly, conservatives, echo chamber, right-wing, christian, fox news, sean hannity, republican, republicans, repugnican, compassionate conservative, dick cheney, pat robertson


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