What is Poop Fart?
Oderous flatulence which proceeds a large shit (pre-poop). Poop farts can yield information related to the upcoming crap including degree of stench, mass and potential anal velocity. Those conversant in art of poop farting can potentially predict color, texture and volume of the ensuing shit.
I had too much Qdoba last night and based on these poop farts, I predict a double-flush power dump with green, furry logs.
Somebody who buys you something for a birthday or holiday when you tell them you don't want anything and would rather they save their money.
"Hey dude! What do you want for your birthday?"
"Don't be a poop fart, I don't want anything."
a poop fart is baisicly the act of forcing out a fart, whilst it is really diarhea... and you poop instead. but still get the fart noise
i had to leave work early today to shower and change, cuz i had a poop fart