Portal Of Evil

What is Portal Of Evil?



Often abbreviated as PoE or POE.

A website begun in 1999 to catalogue and discuss other bizarre, odd and, yes, evilwebsites. Its directory is an obvious parody of those found atYahoo! and Google, with categories such as People: Insaneand Artists: Filk. The Portal's forums are extremely active and only lightly moderated. Flames and hyperbole are extremely common, but more intelligent discussion of featured sites and site owners can also be found without much effort. While there is a strongly worded Look And Don't Touch policy regarding featured sites and site owners (unless they choose to visit the forums), it is often broken as the only punishment is an IPbanning of the offender from the forums. Websites with similar purposes are crank and LJDrama.

How'd that get on the Portal of Evil, it's just a badly translated Swedish bondage site?


Portal of Evil is a website in which certain other websites are displayed, for the purpose of discussion and mockery. The websites that qualify for display on Portal of Evil are generally either disgustingly perverted, completely insane, or an amalgom of the two. A satellite forum is provided on the Portal of Evil main page in which discussion of the website takes place. Some of the popularity of PoE comes from the fact that, in consensus, the websites it displays are, well, "evil". Another issue that appeals to the general public is the (usual) lightheartedness with which the websites are mocked. While it is believed by a few that the effects of the Portal linking to a website are detrimental to that website's health, in fact that website should thank the Portal for increasing traffic. One of the most highly-regarded rules of PoE membership is the "Prime Directive", which states that no member of PoE may contact a displayed site's owner unless said contact takes place on PoE's own turf. That said, any activity other than pure traffic that occurs within a displayed site is merely a by-product of being linked on PoE, and not a direct responsibility of PoE or any of its members. Also, the belief that the powers that be at the Portal of Evil are trying to shut down the websites it displays is an obvious falsehood, considering that shutting down websites on which it is trying to stimulate discussion would prove fruitless. All-in-all, PoE is a very entertaining website which can be enjoyed by anyone with a sense of humor.

The furries and otherkin have been trying to give the Portal of Evil a bad name for a long time, but it's all a bunch of hot air.



A website dedicated to some the strangest, stupidest, weirdest, most wrong, hilarious, and evil websites known to man.

Also: POE, PoE, the portal

"Gee, Billy, that sure is one hell of a goth midget beastiality site -- you really oughta submit it to the portalofevil."


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