
What is Post-fiend?


A reformed characterwhose focus has shifted from the intensity of the fiendish experience to its continued longevity. Behavior tends to be self modified to include the regular consumption of caffeineand pure h20in order to increase net health while maintaining a fiendish outlook. Can be found spending balanced amounts of time chattingto other post-fiends and regular fiends alike.

Its natural habitat includes many of the traditional fiendish haunts, but the subject has grown its base habitat to include more lounge style venues, with a growing appreciation for quality not quantity in its drinking habits.

Diet outside of fiendish activity is generally healthy, and has adapted itself to factor in the net gain in personal happiness caused by correct diet and nutrition.

Ex-clubbers who have outgrown the incessant filth and lifted themselves above the grime, attaining post-fiend status if they can alternate appreciation of substance abuse with appreciation of fine wines and literature.

See fiend, post, lifestyle, drugs, dancing, party


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