
What is Postwhore?


Postwhore, or "post whore" is a term used widespread on internet forums to describe a person who measures seniority in a community by one's numerical postcount.

Often confused with " attention whore", a postwhore is marked by one's belief in postcount as a caliber of rank.

Used widespread on internet message boards, the conjunction of the two words: "post" & "whore" was established to define what is a postwhore, as we know it.

a) A postwhore is not necessarily an attention whore.

b) The postwhores here will only accept you into the community after you have reached 1000 in postcount.


1. One who goes on a message board and deliberately posts large quantities of posts with minimal meaning whatsoever.

2. The act of posting large amounts of meaningless posts.

I thought postwhoring wasn't allowed...


One who typically floods a message board with posts in order to gain a higher Post Count and to make themselves known in an environment of 5000 users.

Day 1: JohnnyPostWhore joins the board and introduces himself.

Day 2: JohnnyPostWhore has 3 posts.

Day 3: JohnnyPostWhore has 21 posts.

Day 4: JohnnyPostWhore realises no one even knows he exists

Day 5: JohnnyPostWhore has 56 posts.

Day 6: JohnnyPostWhore has 239 posts.

Day 7: JohnnyPostWhore has 1067 posts.

Day 8: JohnnyPostWhore's IP is banned for spamming.


1.operatenor 2.One with far too much spare time. 3. Person (?) who has trouble reconciling their place in the world with reality.

operatenor is the reigning postwhore.

See GC


One who posts stupid shit just to be making posts. The Postwhore has no real purpose in posting except to piss people off and look like an idiot. Aka. Brondozzz

Post a single (.) in order to boost your posts


A Rank-Obsessed jackass. Someone who loves the posts, and especially if they give him some kind of ranking or reward.

Leegamer, on the U.S Military forum.


Someone who posts large quantities of posts that usually do not have much meaning. Could be to feel that they have some sort of authority, have no real life besides the message board, or get some special recognition for it. It also could be all three of those or many more reasons.

Mistress of Light on Deathrock is a postwhore. She believes in quantity not quality and makes it a point to post on every thread in existance on the board it seems.

See post, whore, postwhore, attentionwhore, attention, quantity


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