
What is Prelated?


antonym of belated, therefore it is early

this word is used when someone declares "my birthday is tomorrow", the listener replies "happy prelated birthday"


Used to describe something that you anticipate will be belated (e.g. wishing someone happy birthday) had it not occurred at this instant (now), at a time which is earlier than "on time".

Most commonly seen on Facebookwalls where one friend wishes another a happy "prelated birthday" (in case they forget to do so on the day of).

"Here's my prelated congratulations for acing that test!"

See belated, facebook, birthday, time


Similar to belated, prelated means an event or instant of time that has yet to occur.

"Happy prelated birthday, Sean!"

"The new prelated Call of Duty 4 Variety Map Pack I've heard is going to rock!"

See belated, prelated, before, after


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