What is Prenton?
a town in the wirral, also known as retardville, to live in prenton you must have an IQ lower than 10 otherwise you will get shot on sight (the dumb people in prenton always shoot each other thinking they have high IQs because theyre so fucking dumb)
TO live in prenton the requirements are:
*You must have at under 10 IQ
*You must have at least 4 different types of autism
*You must have under 3 friends
*you must snitch at every given oppurtinity
Arthur takes out matty ob from behind, he cries and snitches at KS3
Everyone teases ob for snitching, he cries and snitches at KS3
Matty OB realises nobody likes him and moves to prenton
Property of Ryan Thomas.
now den lid
Now Den Prenton Crew 1Tym!