
What is Pretenemy?


pl. pretenemies

similar in origin to the word frenemies, a pretenemy is a complex relationship in which one (or both) parties pretend to hate eachother either due to social standards or for monetary gain.

Rachel: Hey Amy isn't that that chick you hate?

Amy: Oh no, she's just my pretenemy.

See frenemies, the hills, lc, gossipmonger


pl. pretenemies

similar in origin to the word frenemies, a pretenemy is a complex relationship in which one (or both) parties pretend to hate eachother either due to social standards or for monetary gain.

Rachel: Hey Amy isn't that that chick you hate?

Amy: Oh no, she's just my pretenemy.

See frenemies, the hills, lc, gossipmonger


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