
What is Pre-ur-effect?


A term derived from the text Unlock Reality which spawned the term Unlock Reality (UR) and the UR-Effect. It is a phenomenon felt by people in the days prior to reading the text Unlock Reality.

It describes a feeling of increased synchronicity with the universe that extends beyond mere coincidence. Examples include locating objects of desire in strange places and meeting long lost friends.

It is similar though distinctive to the UR-Effect as it is a sense of recognising an emerging pattern from seeming randomness, as oppose to the more complete sense of connectivity associated with the UR-Effect.

The Pre-UR-Effect was first noted on the Care2 network as members of the Prepare to Unlock Reality group recorded personal events as they waited for Unlock Reality bookcrossingmanuscripts to reach them in the post.

The Pre-UR-Effect began for Chris when she started to find the exact things she really wanted and had been looking for at extremely low prices.

Jane felt the full force of the Pre-UR-Effect as she bumped into a long lost school friend as she went to pick up a bookcrossingcopy of Unlock Reality from the post office.

See ur, ur-effect


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