
What is Productinate?



{proh-DUHK-tuh-neyt, pruh-}, IPA /proʊˈdəktəˌneɪt, prə-/

verb, -nat•ed, -nat•ing.

–verb (used without object)

1. to defer one action by performing another, less important or less timely action; delay by doing something somewhat productive: to productinate until the last minute.

–verb (used with object)

2. to put off one thing till another day or time by doing another, relatively less productive, but still productive nonetheless, thing; defer by means of performing a task of less priority; delay by doing something somewhat productive.


Compound word from English procrastinate (verb) and productive (adjective), i.e. to productively procrastinate.

Related forms:

pro•duc•ti•nat•ing•ly, pro•duc•ti•nat•ive•ly, adverb

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tion, noun

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tive, pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅to⋅ry {proh-duhk-tuh-nuh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, pruh-}, IPA /proʊˈdəktənəˌtɔri, -ˌtoʊri, prə-/, adjective

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tive⋅ness, noun

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tor, noun

I productinated for my philosophy paper that's due tomorrow by paying my bills online for next month.

See procrastinate, productive, homework, fml



{proh-DUHK-tuh-neyt, pruh-}, IPA /proʊˈdəktəˌneɪt, prə-/

verb, -nat•ed, -nat•ing.

–verb (used without object)

1. to defer one action by performing another, less important or less timely action; delay by doing something somewhat productive: to productinate until the last minute.

–verb (used with object)

2. to put off one thing till another day or time by doing another, relatively less productive, but still productive nonetheless, thing; defer by means of performing a task of less priority; delay by doing something somewhat productive.


Compound word from English procrastinate (verb) and productive (adjective), i.e. to productively procrastinate.

Related forms:

pro•duc•ti•nat•ing•ly, pro•duc•ti•nat•ive•ly, adverb

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tion, noun

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tive, pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅to⋅ry {proh-duhk-tuh-nuh-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee, pruh-}, IPA /proʊˈdəktənəˌtɔri, -ˌtoʊri, prə-/, adjective

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tive⋅ness, noun

pro⋅duc⋅ti⋅na⋅tor, noun

I productinated for my philosophy paper that's due tomorrow by paying my bills online for next month.

See procrastinate, productive, homework, fml


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