
What is Prokl?


Prokl - Penguin Rolling on Keyboard Laughing.

May be used, say, in a conversation where the other member screams AHHH CAT ON KEYBOARD!! )@#$%)$%)!@)!@#)$!@#$ (With a trail of garbled characters as the cat steps across the keyboard) <There is no known explanation as to WHY cats love the keyboard...>

Anyway, it works especially well if you're a known linux user, in which case 'penguin' becomes more symbolic. See Example:

<Dude1> : 23400234 AHHH CAT ON KEYBOARD 23oekarg04

<Dude2> : PROKL!!!! :P :P :-P


Prokl - Penguin Rolling on Keyboard Laughing.

May be used, say, in a conversation where the other member screams AHHH CAT ON KEYBOARD!! )@#$%)$%)!@)!@#)$!@#$ (With a trail of garbled characters as the cat steps across the keyboard) <There is no known explanation as to WHY cats love the keyboard...>

Anyway, it works especially well if you're a known linux user, in which case 'penguin' becomes more symbolic. See Example:

<Dude1> : 23400234 AHHH CAT ON KEYBOARD 23oekarg04

<Dude2> : PROKL!!!! :P :P :-P


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