
What is Prono?


A very very hot girl, or Internet porn.

ex1 dude that chick is prono!!

ex2 what are you downloading, prono?

See prono, pron, porno, porn, sexy


the act of masturbating and puking while looking at GAY MALE PORN

malfunction stop doing the prono


stuff that heather was looking at while on a music trip in virginia beach. also see "adult desires."

heather! you and that prono has got to stop!

See Nicole


A very very hot girl, or Internet porn.

ex1 dude that chick is prono!!

ex2 what are you downloading, prono?

See prono, pron, porno, porn, sexy


the act of masturbating and puking while looking at GAY MALE PORN

malfunction stop doing the prono


stuff that heather was looking at while on a music trip in virginia beach. also see "adult desires."

heather! you and that prono has got to stop!

See Nicole


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