
What is Prosser?


Noun. A small furry meerkat-like animal that invades ones home or dwelling and builds small burrows into which it lures young girls with eating disorders and forces them to fold t-shirts and perform other menial sex acts.

1. "Ooooh, look over there, there's a prosser on the roof. Look at its curly hair and furry feet."

2. "Lets go to the zoo and watch the prosser feeding"

3. Scene from horror film

Girl 1: I have a bad feeling about this house, somethings giving me the creeps.

Girl 2: I reckon the basement is the safest place, don't you

Girl 1: Maybe, but i think i saw a prosser burrow earlier, we could be walking into a trap.

See noun, insult, deviant, prosser, mike


Prosser, or Master.P is the head of a well organised group of friends who have formed and run a civilian police organisation similar to the A-Team. Other members include Hemmch, Woodrow and Cheema.

This situation is getting out of control, someone get on the blower and call prosser and the P-Team


Noun. A small furry meerkat-like animal that invades ones home or dwelling and builds small burrows into which it lures young girls with eating disorders and forces them to fold t-shirts and perform other menial sex acts.

1. "Ooooh, look over there, there's a prosser on the roof. Look at its curly hair and furry feet."

2. "Lets go to the zoo and watch the prosser feeding"

3. Scene from horror film

Girl 1: I have a bad feeling about this house, somethings giving me the creeps.

Girl 2: I reckon the basement is the safest place, don't you

Girl 1: Maybe, but i think i saw a prosser burrow earlier, we could be walking into a trap.

See noun, insult, deviant, prosser, mike


Prosser, or Master.P is the head of a well organised group of friends who have formed and run a civilian police organisation similar to the A-Team. Other members include Hemmch, Woodrow and Cheema.

This situation is getting out of control, someone get on the blower and call prosser and the P-Team


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