What is Protein Poop?
The frequent, very solid, and sometimes painful poops which result from eating protein bars and/or protein drinks. This typically occurs from eating too many protein bars or powder, as the body cannot metabolize the supplement efficiently.
When taking too much protein:
These poops usually occur many times per day, stink very bad to the point of potentially killing small pets, can be very painful and solid, and can potentially damage your toilet.
Protein poops are usually accompanied by
Can result in: loss of
Sam: "So I had my skinny ass at the gym today, and some big wannabe tough guy destroyed the locker room with his Protein Poops."
Erik: "That happens to Jason all the time, now he never get any girls because he stinks so bad."
Sam: "Yeah this tool also ripped a protein fart next to some girls and they ran outside."
The frequent, very solid, and sometimes painful poops which result from eating protein bars and/or protein drinks. This typically occurs from eating too many protein bars or powder, as the body cannot metabolize the supplement efficiently.
When taking too much protein:
These poops usually occur many times per day, stink very bad to the point of potentially killing small pets, can be very painful and solid, and can potentially damage your toilet.
Protein poops are usually accompanied by
Can result in: loss of
Sam: "So I had my skinny ass at the gym today, and some big wannabe tough guy destroyed the locker room with his Protein Poops."
Erik: "That happens to Jason all the time, now he never get any girls because he stinks so bad."
Sam: "Yeah this tool also ripped a protein fart next to some girls and they ran outside."