
What is Psyched?


Main Entry: psyched

Variant(s): also psyched /'sIkd/

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): psyched;

To be excited or pumped up about something.

I'm soooo psyched about the party.

See random hero


Teh ubercool person. Too good for you. You don't even have the coolness to be looking at this. Go find something else to do with your time, losah.

Damn, that guy's login is Psyched! Man, he's cool.


Main Entry: psyched

Variant(s): also psyched /'sIkd/

Function: transitive verb

Inflected Form(s): psyched;

To be excited or pumped up about something.

I'm soooo psyched about the party.

See random hero


Teh ubercool person. Too good for you. You don't even have the coolness to be looking at this. Go find something else to do with your time, losah.

Damn, that guy's login is Psyched! Man, he's cool.


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