
What is Puberty?


Gods way of testing young people between 12-18 to see if theyre worthy of adulthood, very few are chosen.

Young men who have not made the puberty transition may become vile and hostile a few run out on the streets stark naked doing backflips all while filming themsleves and getting a show on MTV.

See slacker, psp, cheesy poofs, sleep


What you go through when your aged between 10-18.

Girls grow tits, start their periods and grow pubic hair.

Boys grow pubes and facial hair, their dicks get bigger and they get sperm.

I hate puberty.

See psycho bitch


Puberty is when you grow hair on your whoohaha.

I know what puberty is!

See Nick


A fatal cancer that occurs in every human being anytime from ages 10-18.

Symptoms of this cancer are deformation of the body and loss of emotional control.

The only known cure for this disease is to have sex with many of your peers and get drunk regularly.

I will die of puberty...

See Cortana Dragoon


Something that children, or teenagers can possibly go through between ages 7-20 for females and males.

Females: Breast development, pucic hair, underarm hair, sometimes facial hair, strengthening of the voice, enlarging of the reproductive system, their menstrual period starting, and growing up mentally, and emotionaly.

Males: Pubic hair, facial hair, underarm hair, belly hair, anywhere else hair, enlarging of all the reproductive system parts, sperm production, nocturnal emmissions, and growing up mentally, and emotionaly.

Emoberty: Emoberty is a single segment of puberty that makes you crave lots of attention. By getting this attention you dress up in crazy,overrevealing,or all black clothes, and you pierce, cut, or sell yourself. (Taken from the common stereotype Emo, which is what happens to most kids during puberty)

See emo, horny, cranky


When your body becomes swollen with evil, starts rotting, and the devil takes you as a toxic vessel for his purpose.

Mommy says puberty is why daddy left.

See growing up, pubic hair, pubies, bush, possession


A disease that most teenagers go through.

Begins with deepening of the voice, then slowly progresses as the teenager's body deforms and their mind becomes dangerously volatile.

There is no cure. The only known way to survive this disease is to drink loads of alcohol and have sex with a new guy/chick every other night.

Puberty is why most teenagers in the 1800's died.

See Cortana Dragoon


Gods way of testing young people between 12-18 to see if theyre worthy of adulthood, very few are chosen.

Young men who have not made the puberty transition may become vile and hostile a few run out on the streets stark naked doing backflips all while filming themsleves and getting a show on MTV.

See slacker, psp, cheesy poofs, sleep


What you go through when your aged between 10-18.

Girls grow tits, start their periods and grow pubic hair.

Boys grow pubes and facial hair, their dicks get bigger and they get sperm.

I hate puberty.

See psycho bitch


Puberty is when you grow hair on your whoohaha.

I know what puberty is!

See Nick


A fatal cancer that occurs in every human being anytime from ages 10-18.

Symptoms of this cancer are deformation of the body and loss of emotional control.

The only known cure for this disease is to have sex with many of your peers and get drunk regularly.

I will die of puberty...

See Cortana Dragoon


Something that children, or teenagers can possibly go through between ages 7-20 for females and males.

Females: Breast development, pucic hair, underarm hair, sometimes facial hair, strengthening of the voice, enlarging of the reproductive system, their menstrual period starting, and growing up mentally, and emotionaly.

Males: Pubic hair, facial hair, underarm hair, belly hair, anywhere else hair, enlarging of all the reproductive system parts, sperm production, nocturnal emmissions, and growing up mentally, and emotionaly.

Emoberty: Emoberty is a single segment of puberty that makes you crave lots of attention. By getting this attention you dress up in crazy,overrevealing,or all black clothes, and you pierce, cut, or sell yourself. (Taken from the common stereotype Emo, which is what happens to most kids during puberty)

See emo, horny, cranky


When your body becomes swollen with evil, starts rotting, and the devil takes you as a toxic vessel for his purpose.

Mommy says puberty is why daddy left.

See growing up, pubic hair, pubies, bush, possession


A disease that most teenagers go through.

Begins with deepening of the voice, then slowly progresses as the teenager's body deforms and their mind becomes dangerously volatile.

There is no cure. The only known way to survive this disease is to drink loads of alcohol and have sex with a new guy/chick every other night.

Puberty is why most teenagers in the 1800's died.

See Cortana Dragoon


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