What is Public Display Of Affection?


Couples operate in public areas, and they display affection such as holding hands, kissing etc. They do this to rub it in single people's faces that they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

'Woh. There's some serious PDA goin on here. I wish they'd bugger off, they're makin me depressed.'

See Mary


when two people of the opposite sex publically have any kind of sexual touching. ex:b.j.,h.j.,kissing or the whole enchalada.

"I publically displayed affection to my friend's girl."


Couples operate in public areas, and they display affection such as holding hands, kissing etc. They do this to rub it in single people's faces that they don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.

'Woh. There's some serious PDA goin on here. I wish they'd bugger off, they're makin me depressed.'

See Mary


when two people of the opposite sex publically have any kind of sexual touching. ex:b.j.,h.j.,kissing or the whole enchalada.

"I publically displayed affection to my friend's girl."


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