
What is Puddy?


Female genitalia or the acquiescence of female sexual company. Slang for "pussy".

Yo nigga, I get mo puddy than a pet shelter.


pussy, clit, a girl's vagina

i touch a a girl's puddy today... her puddy was soo wet

See moe


Elaine's on-and-off boyfriend on the TV sitcom Seinfeld. He's a grease monkey.

Puddy said, "It feels like an Arby's night!"

See yadayadayada


Person that always gets made fun of and no one likes. And also very short, fat person who can't play sports.

Kill puddy.


(v.) when you stare at someone squinting your eyes you give someone the puddy look.

This idiot that I was talking to gave me the puddy.

See jerry


a fart or flatter

the deci boy did a puddy

See fart, gas, sydrome


a species of monster from the show power rangers.

hey jason a.k.a the red ranger, you better watch out there is a puddy right behind you!


Female genitalia or the acquiescence of female sexual company. Slang for "pussy".

Yo nigga, I get mo puddy than a pet shelter.


pussy, clit, a girl's vagina

i touch a a girl's puddy today... her puddy was soo wet

See moe


Elaine's on-and-off boyfriend on the TV sitcom Seinfeld. He's a grease monkey.

Puddy said, "It feels like an Arby's night!"

See yadayadayada


Person that always gets made fun of and no one likes. And also very short, fat person who can't play sports.

Kill puddy.


(v.) when you stare at someone squinting your eyes you give someone the puddy look.

This idiot that I was talking to gave me the puddy.

See jerry


a fart or flatter

the deci boy did a puddy

See fart, gas, sydrome


a species of monster from the show power rangers.

hey jason a.k.a the red ranger, you better watch out there is a puddy right behind you!


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