Pug Fugly

What is Pug Fugly?


A unique and distinct form of ugly. Worse than ugly, but better than ugly ugly.

Simpsons reference, from Episode #242: "Pygmoelian". pug fugly was first used by Moe the Bartender.

"I've been called ugly, fugly, pugly, pug fugly... but not UGLY ugly!"


A term used to describe someone of extreme facial defficiency. Combines the following terms: Ugly, Pug Ugly, Fugly into one, manageable compound word.

"That flaming, homeless guy that fell face first onto a landmine is PUG FUGLY!"


1. Christian Hebert is a pug fugly kid.

2. pug fugly worse than ugly.

Look at that pug fugly kid!

See db


A unique and distinct form of ugly. Worse than ugly, but better than ugly ugly.

Simpsons reference, from Episode #242: "Pygmoelian". pug fugly was first used by Moe the Bartender.

"I've been called ugly, fugly, pugly, pug fugly... but not UGLY ugly!"


A term used to describe someone of extreme facial defficiency. Combines the following terms: Ugly, Pug Ugly, Fugly into one, manageable compound word.

"That flaming, homeless guy that fell face first onto a landmine is PUG FUGLY!"


1. Christian Hebert is a pug fugly kid.

2. pug fugly worse than ugly.

Look at that pug fugly kid!

See db


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