Puke And Rally

What is Puke And Rally?


Can be used to define a number of things. Usally when you are drinking get all fucked up, vomit, and begin to drik again. However it can be used to describe any event that made you puke and you then resumed with even more gusto than before

I was soo drunk then I made a puke and rally and got even more wasted.


Drinking heavily until one drink throws you over - puke and rally and you're back in the game. Drinking as if the night is young. Cheers.

Fock, that shot make me puke and rally!

You ok?

Yeah, good to go, now where's my beer!?


Perserverance in the face of gastro-intestingal rejection.

"She's coming over here to talk to you. Your drunk ass better puke and rally pronto!"

See jimbo


Can be used to define a number of things. Usally when you are drinking get all fucked up, vomit, and begin to drik again. However it can be used to describe any event that made you puke and you then resumed with even more gusto than before

I was soo drunk then I made a puke and rally and got even more wasted.


Drinking heavily until one drink throws you over - puke and rally and you're back in the game. Drinking as if the night is young. Cheers.

Fock, that shot make me puke and rally!

You ok?

Yeah, good to go, now where's my beer!?


Perserverance in the face of gastro-intestingal rejection.

"She's coming over here to talk to you. Your drunk ass better puke and rally pronto!"

See jimbo


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