
What is Puke-up?


When you burp and some liquid from the stomach ends up in your mouth. Term can be used as a noun or verb.

Noun: Pukeup- liquid from the stomach that comes up into the mouth when you burp.

Verb: Pukeup- to partially vomit but only as far as in your own mouth.

Jamie(after taking a big drink of Coca Cola and then burping): "Ewe."

Ben: "What happened, did you puke-up?"

Jamie(swallowing her puke-up): "Yes."

Ben: "Ewe...nice one butt-pipe!"

See puke, vomit, barf, yak, blow chunks


When you burp and some liquid from the stomach ends up in your mouth. Term can be used as a noun or verb.

Noun: Pukeup- liquid from the stomach that comes up into the mouth when you burp.

Verb: Pukeup- to partially vomit but only as far as in your own mouth.

Jamie(after taking a big drink of Coca Cola and then burping): "Ewe."

Ben: "What happened, did you puke-up?"

Jamie(swallowing her puke-up): "Yes."

Ben: "Ewe...nice one butt-pipe!"

See puke, vomit, barf, yak, blow chunks


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