
What is Pumpkinizing?


Becoming sleepy and needing bedtime visibly, especially when talking about events that might occur past your bedtime.

From Cinderella's "turning into a pumpkin" at a certain hour, here we have events that certain people generally don't get to because it'll interfere with their bedtime.

We tried getting reservations to <snazzy restaurant>, but they only had a slot at 10pm, which we gave up because Autumn starts pumpkinizing around then.

See pumpkin, bedtime, sleepy, grumpy


Becoming sleepy and needing bedtime visibly, especially when talking about events that might occur past your bedtime.

From Cinderella's "turning into a pumpkin" at a certain hour, here we have events that certain people generally don't get to because it'll interfere with their bedtime.

We tried getting reservations to <snazzy restaurant>, but they only had a slot at 10pm, which we gave up because Autumn starts pumpkinizing around then.

See pumpkin, bedtime, sleepy, grumpy


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