Punk Tard

What is Punk Tard?


When somone belives that they are punk by dressing in black, metal studs and colors their hair. they dont know the meaning of punk and usually listen to bands like good charlotte and simple plan, avril laveige ect. They heard punk was cool so they dress it.

Look at that punk-tard moshing at the good charlotte concert. Shes got the band tee on and wrist bands that she baught at clairs.

See Mayo


When somone belives that they are punk by dressing in black, metal studs and colors their hair. they dont know the meaning of punk and usually listen to bands like good charlotte and simple plan, avril laveige ect. They heard punk was cool so they dress it.

Look at that punk-tard moshing at the good charlotte concert. Shes got the band tee on and wrist bands that she baught at clairs.

See Mayo


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