Purchase Pleasure

What is Purchase Pleasure?


The unexplained feeling of bliss, joy and satisfaction one gets following a purchase. It can last anything from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the size, worth or usefulness of the item acquired. Buyer's remorse can sometimes follow or replace purchase pleasure. It is often a reason for shopping addiction.


Laura-May: Hanging out and shopping with you yesterday made me really happy.

Grant: Me too, but then I'm always happy when I buy things. I'm still getting purchase pleasure today.

#2: I'm not sure I want to go anywhere today honey, I've had a miserable week at work.

Come on, I'll take you to the mall. You'll forget your problems with some purchase pleasure.

See purchase, buyer's remorse, bliss


The unexplained feeling of bliss, joy and satisfaction one gets following a purchase. It can last anything from a few hours to a few weeks depending on the size, worth or usefulness of the item acquired. Buyer's remorse can sometimes follow or replace purchase pleasure. It is often a reason for shopping addiction.


Laura-May: Hanging out and shopping with you yesterday made me really happy.

Grant: Me too, but then I'm always happy when I buy things. I'm still getting purchase pleasure today.

#2: I'm not sure I want to go anywhere today honey, I've had a miserable week at work.

Come on, I'll take you to the mall. You'll forget your problems with some purchase pleasure.

See purchase, buyer's remorse, bliss


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