Pussy Palace

What is Pussy Palace?


An establishment frequented by more women than men.

"Paint has turned into a real Pussy Palace since they started ladies night on Tuesdays."


n. (poose pal-is)

a space or room where women go to get stuck. see also, p' palace

antonym dick dungeon

You look so fine baby, how 'bout taking me back to your pussy palace so you can tag my tuna.


An establishment frequented by more women than men.

"Paint has turned into a real Pussy Palace since they started ladies night on Tuesdays."


n. (poose pal-is)

a space or room where women go to get stuck. see also, p' palace

antonym dick dungeon

You look so fine baby, how 'bout taking me back to your pussy palace so you can tag my tuna.


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