
What is P'zone?


1. (noun)"A Medium pizza crust folded and filled with your favorite toppings"

2. (verb)Synonymous with "pwn" or "own".

3. (noun)Noticeable destruction of competitor(s).

4. (adjective)Winning against seemingly impossible odds.

5. (verb)Mercilessly destroying newbies.

1. This sure was a tasty P'ZONE.

2. You got P'ZONED boi!!!

3. There was definite P'ZONAGE here.

4. I handed out P'ZONED beating.

5. I'm gonna P'ZONE some n00bs.


Pizza Hut's variant of a calzone. They are over-priced and cannot be ordered with the same toppings as what one would get on a pizza. The kid that keeps saying "What's a P'Zone" in that one Pizza Hut commercial is going to fucking die for being undeniably and extremely annoying.

Kid: "What's a P'Zone?"

Adult: "It's a-"

Kid: "What's a P'Zone?"

Adult: "It's like a pizza but-"

Kid: "What's a P'Zone?"

Adult: "...like I said, it's a pizza but instead of having toppings on it they are-"

Kid: "What's a P'Zone?"

Adult whips out a gun and shoots the little fuck

Kid: "So that's a P'Zone"

See Black Manta


a one pound calzone filled with meat and cheese, as if a pizza.

Wow that p'zone looks yummy!

See calzone, pizza, liz, dennis, chalk


The best food menu item ever at Pizza hut. Not recommended for consumption if you have heart/cholersterol problems.

The top 3

3rd place - stuft crust

2nd place - original pan

1st place - p'zones

See pzone, pizza hut


1. Word refering to a seemingly attractive female that the speaker would like to have sex with.

Origins: From group of males who searched for a way to point out a female that they would like to do without the female knowing.

1. "Check out that blonde p'zone at 12 o'clock...oh yeah...that's a p'zone..."


Pronunciation: pi-'zOn

Function: abbreviation of the noun pink zone

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle Dutch pinke, from Latin zona belt, zone, from Greek zOnE; akin to Lithuanian juosti to gird, calzone (singular of calzoni pants), augmentative of calza stocking, from Medieval Latin calcea, from Latin calceus shoe, from calc-, calx heel

1: the vaginal orifice or vaginal pore of a female

1: Hereisnowhy02: man if i could just rub her p'zone...i bet it's the wettest one in the chat



See pizzowned.

You just got p'zoned bagabones!


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