
What is Qoot?


1) A mis-spelling of the word woot, as the "q" key is dangerously close to the "w" key on the keyboard. Inorder to retain ones dignety, you are not to correct yourself if you mis-spell woot, you simply act as if it is a real word and you use it all the time. :$

2) The thing that is located inbetween dis's legs.

Joints was owned by LaNg in the mouth

LaNg*: qoot!

Joints: you means woot?

LaNg*: no.


a different way of saying and spelling 'cute'

"That girl is qoot."

"You're qoot."

See cute, hot, sexy, qooty, babe


1) A mis-spelling of the word woot, as the "q" key is dangerously close to the "w" key on the keyboard. Inorder to retain ones dignety, you are not to correct yourself if you mis-spell woot, you simply act as if it is a real word and you use it all the time. :$

2) The thing that is located inbetween dis's legs.

Joints was owned by LaNg in the mouth

LaNg*: qoot!

Joints: you means woot?

LaNg*: no.


a different way of saying and spelling 'cute'

"That girl is qoot."

"You're qoot."

See cute, hot, sexy, qooty, babe


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