
What is Qork?


literally translates as 'fun' pronounced as 'kork'. Members of TeamQork work together in the name of all things fun. Making a combined effort for qorkness is what qork is all about. do not be tempted to spell qork 'Quork'. This is too easily confused with Quorn and Quirky. do not allow useless U's to invade.

"Qork it" - which must be accompanied by a high five.

See merrymaking, tomfoolery, buffoonery


literally translates as 'fun' pronounced as 'kork'. Members of TeamQork work together in the name of all things fun. Making a combined effort for qorkness is what qork is all about. do not be tempted to spell qork 'Quork'. This is too easily confused with Quorn and Quirky. do not allow useless U's to invade.

"Qork it" - which must be accompanied by a high five.

See merrymaking, tomfoolery, buffoonery


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