
What is Qualify?


To be used for males or females. When you come across that one person; above all that can get it. Ergo, you would fuck the shit out of them.

Mark: ayo my dude? You see shorty in da blue?

Rob: HELL YEA!!! She badd as a bitch.

Mark: oh yea. She QUALIFY....for wut we call....THE DICK!!!

See badd, sexy, mean, hittin


To be used for males or females. When you come across that one person; above all that can get it. Ergo, you would fuck the shit out of them.

Mark: ayo my dude? You see shorty in da blue?

Rob: HELL YEA!!! She badd as a bitch.

Mark: oh yea. She QUALIFY....for wut we call....THE DICK!!!

See badd, sexy, mean, hittin


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