
What is Queerp?


Used as a insult for instances when you hear someone yelling the word "queer" as an insult towards someone else. You, in turn, would describe the insulter as a "queerp."

A queerp says "queer" in a specific way; it is said loudly and bluntly. A queerp, for the most part, is usually a douche bagand/or cool guy.

John: "Nice backpack Simon" *Said sarcastically*

Simon: "Uhhm, thanks" *Simon walks away*

John: "QUEER" *Said loud and blunt*

Cody: "Man, John's such a queerp"


Used as a insult for instances when you hear someone yelling the word "queer" as an insult towards someone else. You, in turn, would describe the insulter as a "queerp."

A queerp says "queer" in a specific way; it is said loudly and bluntly. A queerp, for the most part, is usually a douche bagand/or cool guy.

John: "Nice backpack Simon" *Said sarcastically*

Simon: "Uhhm, thanks" *Simon walks away*

John: "QUEER" *Said loud and blunt*

Cody: "Man, John's such a queerp"


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