
What is Quiksilver?


Male clothing brand name

I think I might buy that quiksilver shirt.


brand of clothes, another name for mercury.

they used to put bread filled with quicksilver in rivers to find dead people.


nickname for mercury(the substance, not the planet),

after which the clothing brand was named.

the mercury out of a thermometer is quiksilver

See mercury, clothes, quicksilver, element


an erection and orgasm all in one movement

John:dude i went to a chicks house last night and before she even unzipped my pants i quiksilvered

Doug:dude thats uncool

See quiksilver, blow job, erection, whacked


A guy with hyperactive spamming problems, who likes Vice City but cannot snowboard because he lives in North Carolina. See Catplug

My God, He's being quite the Quiksilver today


Male clothing brand name

I think I might buy that quiksilver shirt.


brand of clothes, another name for mercury.

they used to put bread filled with quicksilver in rivers to find dead people.


nickname for mercury(the substance, not the planet),

after which the clothing brand was named.

the mercury out of a thermometer is quiksilver

See mercury, clothes, quicksilver, element


an erection and orgasm all in one movement

John:dude i went to a chicks house last night and before she even unzipped my pants i quiksilvered

Doug:dude thats uncool

See quiksilver, blow job, erection, whacked


A guy with hyperactive spamming problems, who likes Vice City but cannot snowboard because he lives in North Carolina. See Catplug

My God, He's being quite the Quiksilver today


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