
What is Quimbus?


1. A nonsensical insult.

2. A stangely stupid (or gay) degenerate who rides the bus to work/school. (queer/imbecile/bus)

1. ARRRGH! You freakin' quimbus!

2. You f'n nimbus quimbus! Get a car and half a brain!

See queer, momma's boy, retarded, imbecile, gay


1. A nonsensical insult.

2. A stangely stupid (or gay) degenerate who rides the bus to work/school. (queer/imbecile/bus)

1. ARRRGH! You freakin' quimbus!

2. You f'n nimbus quimbus! Get a car and half a brain!

See queer, momma's boy, retarded, imbecile, gay


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