
What is Quixie?


1. Any job or project performed on company time, but unrelated to one’s actual job, that may or may not require use of company resources.

When Mr. Chesler found the list of rules for Fight Club in the copy machine, he knew that his employee, played by Edward Norton, had been pulling a quixie.


Any job or project performed on company time, but unrelated to one’s actual job, that may or may not require use of company resources.

When the boss found a list of rules for Fight Club in the copy machine, he knew that his employee had been pulling a quixie.

See moonlighting


Any job or project performed on company time, but unrelated to one’s actual job, that may or may not require use of company resources.

When the boss found a list of rules for Fight Club in the copy machine, he knew that his employee had been pulling a quixie.

See moonlighting


the loveliest man in the whole world,wise,cute,handsome,educated and well read,sweeeeeet,a fantastic musician and painter ,unique ,tranquil and kind hearted

oh boy i love him sooo much

quixie drives me crazy man!!!!

See quixotic, infidel, lovely, special, sweet


1. Any job or project performed on company time, but unrelated to one’s actual job, that may or may not require use of company resources.

When Mr. Chesler found the list of rules for Fight Club in the copy machine, he knew that his employee, played by Edward Norton, had been pulling a quixie.


Any job or project performed on company time, but unrelated to one’s actual job, that may or may not require use of company resources.

When the boss found a list of rules for Fight Club in the copy machine, he knew that his employee had been pulling a quixie.

See moonlighting


Any job or project performed on company time, but unrelated to one’s actual job, that may or may not require use of company resources.

When the boss found a list of rules for Fight Club in the copy machine, he knew that his employee had been pulling a quixie.

See moonlighting


the loveliest man in the whole world,wise,cute,handsome,educated and well read,sweeeeeet,a fantastic musician and painter ,unique ,tranquil and kind hearted

oh boy i love him sooo much

quixie drives me crazy man!!!!

See quixotic, infidel, lovely, special, sweet


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