
What is Raa?


As above used to exclaim astonishment or exclamation, but been used in Sarf' London for many a year now.

Often pronounce one of two ways - Ra and Raaah. Raah being the full exclamation, hanging on the "aah" for as long as possible. Ra being the shortened snappy version for less astonished moments or when less heavily stoned and wanting to shock your friend with a sudden loud noise


dude 1 "check out this new bong man"

dude 2 "raaaaahhhh maaaannn"


dude 1 "check out this new bong man"

dude 2 "RA"

dude 1 "shit man you scared the shit outta me"


Raa/Raah/Rah: Someone from the south of England who is, typically, middle class-upper class, private educated, and a student hoping to continue on to/ or being at university.

Raa's can be indetified thus:

male: Polo shirts- dodgy so-ual-it-cost-£150 quid jumpers, bed head hair, pompus facial expression, arafat/desert scarf.

girls: blonde hair with ALOT of backcombing. UGG BOOTS (typically sand coloured), with footless tights, denim mini and a 'lazy' hoodie, or white skinny jeans, some dodgy fake fur waist coat or sleeves puffa jacket...etc. Arafat scarf/desert scarf compulsary.

shops: jack wills, abercrombie and fitch, american apparel etc.

likes: the oc, clubbing, spending Daddy's money, saying o-m-g etc.

there is a sub to this youth-sub culture, which are wannabe raa chavs. Basically cheap raa's who don't have the privelage of Daddy's credit card on tap.

what noise does a lion make? raaaaaa.

"she's such a raa."

"I'd rather get frostbite than wear ugg boots, I'd look like a raa."

See raa, raah, rah, raaaa, rar, raar, preppy, ugg, uggs, backcomb, blonde, arafat, pretentious


This word originated in Rochester, England in the early summer of 2004. The word was used after "Ra" by Ebony dubsters (Drum n Bass tune) became popular here. The word Raa (pronounced normally with very little effort used in the aaaa part, said best if stoned) has since been used in the place of the word cool or to show that something is good or liked.

1: Dude, check out my bong!

2: Oh raaa!

See Dave


As above used to exclaim astonishment or exclamation, but been used in Sarf' London for many a year now.

Often pronounce one of two ways - Ra and Raaah. Raah being the full exclamation, hanging on the "aah" for as long as possible. Ra being the shortened snappy version for less astonished moments or when less heavily stoned and wanting to shock your friend with a sudden loud noise


dude 1 "check out this new bong man"

dude 2 "raaaaahhhh maaaannn"


dude 1 "check out this new bong man"

dude 2 "RA"

dude 1 "shit man you scared the shit outta me"


Raa/Raah/Rah: Someone from the south of England who is, typically, middle class-upper class, private educated, and a student hoping to continue on to/ or being at university.

Raa's can be indetified thus:

male: Polo shirts- dodgy so-ual-it-cost-£150 quid jumpers, bed head hair, pompus facial expression, arafat/desert scarf.

girls: blonde hair with ALOT of backcombing. UGG BOOTS (typically sand coloured), with footless tights, denim mini and a 'lazy' hoodie, or white skinny jeans, some dodgy fake fur waist coat or sleeves puffa jacket...etc. Arafat scarf/desert scarf compulsary.

shops: jack wills, abercrombie and fitch, american apparel etc.

likes: the oc, clubbing, spending Daddy's money, saying o-m-g etc.

there is a sub to this youth-sub culture, which are wannabe raa chavs. Basically cheap raa's who don't have the privelage of Daddy's credit card on tap.

what noise does a lion make? raaaaaa.

"she's such a raa."

"I'd rather get frostbite than wear ugg boots, I'd look like a raa."

See raa, raah, rah, raaaa, rar, raar, preppy, ugg, uggs, backcomb, blonde, arafat, pretentious


This word originated in Rochester, England in the early summer of 2004. The word was used after "Ra" by Ebony dubsters (Drum n Bass tune) became popular here. The word Raa (pronounced normally with very little effort used in the aaaa part, said best if stoned) has since been used in the place of the word cool or to show that something is good or liked.

1: Dude, check out my bong!

2: Oh raaa!

See Dave


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