Racial Disease

What is Racial Disease?


When a person of ethnicity yells out a random thing, not appropriate for that point in time. a conversation could be going on then the part that most people would wisper you yell out, and everyone stares.

We was in architecture class discussing a resort design and cubano loudly said " the 40 yr old guy wants to go floor to floor bangin all da biches and geting all the ass he can" while the class was takin a test. white boi apologizes to class saying cubano is suffering from racial disease

See n, o, r, e, l, a, t


When a person of ethnicity yells out a random thing, not appropriate for that point in time. a conversation could be going on then the part that most people would wisper you yell out, and everyone stares.

We was in architecture class discussing a resort design and cubano loudly said " the 40 yr old guy wants to go floor to floor bangin all da biches and geting all the ass he can" while the class was takin a test. white boi apologizes to class saying cubano is suffering from racial disease

See n, o, r, e, l, a, t


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