
What is Radioshack?


Once-powerful electronics store. Currently in financial trouble such that they cannot pay their employees on time. Also, tends to produce an uncanny level of returns on a particular employee, thus named "Cody."

Also, cannot afford full-time (40 Hour) pay, so all workers, save managers, must work less than 30 hours per work week. Therefore, though a decent employee can make $10+ an hour, said employee still will average only $400 every two-week period, if employee is lucky as fuck.

"Damn, Cody got another return. That's what, $3,000 in the past six weeks?"

"Indeed. He is very fucked by Stan Stan He's Our Man If He Can't Do It Some Other Braindead Monkey-Fuck Can."

"Fuck. I should go back to laying concrete. At least there I did 40 hours a week. You know, it would be nice if RadioShack could give me 40 hours a week so I wouldn't have to bum money off my girlfriend."

See fucked


See ungodly work enviroment;

A once popular electronics retail store. Now its better know as BestShack. In late 2005 when the CEO of radioshack, Dave Edmonson was fired, the entire company started going downhill. Since then, the company has only pushed wireless and since gave up on what Radioshack has stood for. The company does not understand people do not go to Radioshack to buy flat screen tv's, they go there for small parts. The work enviroment is horid. From brainwashing employees' to over work/underpaid work weeks, it is simply a horrible place to work. Vaction isn't really vaction considering you can not take it during the 4th quarter (October, November, Decemeber) If you try to take more than 1 week of vaction in a row, it is highly frownd upon in the company. Management can be summed up in one word, shitheads. To become anything higher than a manager you have to be brainwashed and think that if you offer a customer a cell phone, they WILL buy it. Radioshack is estimated to go out of bussiness by December of 2009.

Employee: Hi welcome to Radioshack is there anything I can help you with today, perhaps a cellphone?

Customer: No

Employee: Have you seen our selection of flat panel TV's

Customer: Why would I go to radioshack to buy a TV, when CircuitCity and Bestbuy have them for cheaper and they are better?

Employee: They have true 720i resolution

Customer: 1080p is becoming a standard, and 1080 is high-def, 720 is enhanced, why do you advertise High-def if you dont have any high-def tv's?

Employee: You can pay with it on your Radioshack creditcard, only $20 a month.

Customer: Im going to bestbuy, there cheaper.

Employee: Who's your current cellular provider?

*Customer leaves*

See radioshack, radio, shack, shit, worst, failure


the worst electronics store one time was slightly better then Best Buy

You've got questions, we don't give a shit.



An expensive electronics store with cheap products, as well as an underpaying job that pressures their employees to sell highly profitable merchandise that we all know the customer has no interest in buying that particular product at that very moment. If your shopping for capacitors your not thinking about a 2 year sprint agreement, your thinking about capacitors. The extreme high sales demand from upper management and the bottom-of-the-barrel pay usually results in associates that don't really care about your existence or the company and its assets. Some stores are really greedy, others are really lazy and under-trained. If you have been working for radioshack for at least three months, you don't want to work there anymore. Customers who shop there regularly only do so because of the assistance that you'll be lucky to get right the first time, or if you just have no idea. The company preys on brainless customers that don't know how to shop and look around, or to work there alarm clock. Everyone knows if its sold at radioshack, its sold cheaper somewhere else without the headache of dealing with a radioshack salesman. And chances are where ever else you buy it, it comes with the batteries.

Person 1: should i apply at radioshack?

Person 2: no

See radioshack, ripoff, pathetic


A horrible company, hell-bent on destroying the lives of it's employees. The manager's have worked there for at least 10 years, on their very first date, it's their 10th anniversary. Typically the store-management consists of the hippie-washup microsoft-loving wannbe-musicians, hell bent on selling you a cellphone.

The typical sales associates are rather arrogant, all they want to do is upsell you shit that you don't need. If they are beneath the age of 22, they want to leave for a new job as soon as possible.

Overall, try and stay away from Radioshack. Underhanded practices and selling you short of what you need is their aim in life.

Manager: Would you like to buy this cellphone?

Customer: No, just this battery

Manager: Are you sure? It's an awesome price

Customer: It's 300 dollars, and I have a better one

Manager: Well I bet this can do more, why don't I give you a show of what it can do?

Customer: No, just the battery.

Manager: Want to open a Radioshack card?

Customer: Just the battery, stop trying to sell me crap.

Manager: OK, but you get 10% of your first purchase.

Customer: This battery is 4.99. That would be 49 cents. No.

Manager: OK, 5.24 please. Your name?

Customer: None of your business.

Manager: We need it to do transactions

Customer: That's it, I'm out.

See radioshack, bestbuy


RadioShack used to sell ham (amatuer) radio equipment, hence the term 'radio shack' for a ham radio operator's radio room.

Now they sell overpriced commerical electronic crap.

see nerd central

Radioshack has gone to the dogs.


Once-powerful electronics store. Currently in financial trouble such that they cannot pay their employees on time. Also, tends to produce an uncanny level of returns on a particular employee, thus named "Cody."

Also, cannot afford full-time (40 Hour) pay, so all workers, save managers, must work less than 30 hours per work week. Therefore, though a decent employee can make $10+ an hour, said employee still will average only $400 every two-week period, if employee is lucky as fuck.

"Damn, Cody got another return. That's what, $3,000 in the past six weeks?"

"Indeed. He is very fucked by Stan Stan He's Our Man If He Can't Do It Some Other Braindead Monkey-Fuck Can."

"Fuck. I should go back to laying concrete. At least there I did 40 hours a week. You know, it would be nice if RadioShack could give me 40 hours a week so I wouldn't have to bum money off my girlfriend."

See fucked


See ungodly work enviroment;

A once popular electronics retail store. Now its better know as BestShack. In late 2005 when the CEO of radioshack, Dave Edmonson was fired, the entire company started going downhill. Since then, the company has only pushed wireless and since gave up on what Radioshack has stood for. The company does not understand people do not go to Radioshack to buy flat screen tv's, they go there for small parts. The work enviroment is horid. From brainwashing employees' to over work/underpaid work weeks, it is simply a horrible place to work. Vaction isn't really vaction considering you can not take it during the 4th quarter (October, November, Decemeber) If you try to take more than 1 week of vaction in a row, it is highly frownd upon in the company. Management can be summed up in one word, shitheads. To become anything higher than a manager you have to be brainwashed and think that if you offer a customer a cell phone, they WILL buy it. Radioshack is estimated to go out of bussiness by December of 2009.

Employee: Hi welcome to Radioshack is there anything I can help you with today, perhaps a cellphone?

Customer: No

Employee: Have you seen our selection of flat panel TV's

Customer: Why would I go to radioshack to buy a TV, when CircuitCity and Bestbuy have them for cheaper and they are better?

Employee: They have true 720i resolution

Customer: 1080p is becoming a standard, and 1080 is high-def, 720 is enhanced, why do you advertise High-def if you dont have any high-def tv's?

Employee: You can pay with it on your Radioshack creditcard, only $20 a month.

Customer: Im going to bestbuy, there cheaper.

Employee: Who's your current cellular provider?

*Customer leaves*

See radioshack, radio, shack, shit, worst, failure


the worst electronics store one time was slightly better then Best Buy

You've got questions, we don't give a shit.



An expensive electronics store with cheap products, as well as an underpaying job that pressures their employees to sell highly profitable merchandise that we all know the customer has no interest in buying that particular product at that very moment. If your shopping for capacitors your not thinking about a 2 year sprint agreement, your thinking about capacitors. The extreme high sales demand from upper management and the bottom-of-the-barrel pay usually results in associates that don't really care about your existence or the company and its assets. Some stores are really greedy, others are really lazy and under-trained. If you have been working for radioshack for at least three months, you don't want to work there anymore. Customers who shop there regularly only do so because of the assistance that you'll be lucky to get right the first time, or if you just have no idea. The company preys on brainless customers that don't know how to shop and look around, or to work there alarm clock. Everyone knows if its sold at radioshack, its sold cheaper somewhere else without the headache of dealing with a radioshack salesman. And chances are where ever else you buy it, it comes with the batteries.

Person 1: should i apply at radioshack?

Person 2: no

See radioshack, ripoff, pathetic


A horrible company, hell-bent on destroying the lives of it's employees. The manager's have worked there for at least 10 years, on their very first date, it's their 10th anniversary. Typically the store-management consists of the hippie-washup microsoft-loving wannbe-musicians, hell bent on selling you a cellphone.

The typical sales associates are rather arrogant, all they want to do is upsell you shit that you don't need. If they are beneath the age of 22, they want to leave for a new job as soon as possible.

Overall, try and stay away from Radioshack. Underhanded practices and selling you short of what you need is their aim in life.

Manager: Would you like to buy this cellphone?

Customer: No, just this battery

Manager: Are you sure? It's an awesome price

Customer: It's 300 dollars, and I have a better one

Manager: Well I bet this can do more, why don't I give you a show of what it can do?

Customer: No, just the battery.

Manager: Want to open a Radioshack card?

Customer: Just the battery, stop trying to sell me crap.

Manager: OK, but you get 10% of your first purchase.

Customer: This battery is 4.99. That would be 49 cents. No.

Manager: OK, 5.24 please. Your name?

Customer: None of your business.

Manager: We need it to do transactions

Customer: That's it, I'm out.

See radioshack, bestbuy


RadioShack used to sell ham (amatuer) radio equipment, hence the term 'radio shack' for a ham radio operator's radio room.

Now they sell overpriced commerical electronic crap.

see nerd central

Radioshack has gone to the dogs.


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