
What is Real?


Often used by someone to describe themselves as "genuine" or "authentic". It is perhaps the most overused and generic word in current use, rendering it almost meaningless. Browse any personals advertisements and every other person who lacks a sufficiently descriptive vocabulary will describe themselves as "real".

I am for real.

See A


1.adv: The action of being true to the code of ethics of one's self, culture, and environment. ie: keep it real

2.n: An enhanced, extreme, version of reality that usually alludes to a violent existence.

1."I beat up my teacher cuz he was wearing the wrong colors. You know I keep it real"

2. "Shit gets mad real over in Iraq"


Simply discribing something that is not fake

A Tribe Called Quest is real, most other rappers today aren't.


to be down to earth; have a grip on reality

"I'm real what you get is what you see" - J Lo...whos probably da last person to say that line. But iz a good example.


A term used when someone agrees with you.

You know the way he treated that girl was not right.

Real. Real.

See true, real, truth, debate


Used to add emphasis on a act. More powerful than saying really.

Another way of saying very genuine

1) I ate that pancake real quick

2) He is real hood

3) Yo, that girl is real hot

See really, real, fake, powerful, genuine, hood, rza


The truth. Another example of this word is "word".

They just broke up.




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