Red Vs Blue

What is Red Vs Blue?


Despite sounding unoriginal... The funniest thing on the internet, hands-down. Featuring the greatest character in the history of the world - Private L.L. Church.

Church: (to Caboose's Mental Church) "First of all, you? You're not Caboose's best friend, okay? You don't have a best friend. You know why? You don't need one! You're Church! Knowing other people just waters down the experience. Live the dream buddy!"

See Rufus Shinra


The Greatest thing scince sliced bread. you can never go wrong by watching episode 1-47 in one sitting. and if you think it is the worst thing ever, i will personaly find you and slit your thoat in your sleep.

Caboose: What’s a freelancer?

Tucker: Freelancers are independent they’re not red or blue. They’ll fight for who ever have the most money.

Caboose: Like a mercenary

Tucker: Right. Or like your mom, when the rent is due.

Caboose: Oh that’s funny.

Tucker: Ya you didn’t think that was to obvious

Caboose: No, no not at all it was good.


One of the funniest comedy websites available on the internet. The creators use linked X-boxes along with their Halo games to make a comedy based in the popular "Blood Gulch" map. Definately worth a look.

Dude, did you catch the newest Red vs Blue? It's fan-fucking-tastic!

Church:Tex walked up to him, pulled his skull out of his head, and beat him to death with it.

Blue:Wait a do you beat someone to death with their own skull? That doesn't seem physically possible.

Church:That's exactly what Jimmy kept screaming.



The best online show ever! Its so funny, I watch it almost everyday. Caboose, is so cool. If you haven't seen it, I suggest you do before deathstorm a.k.a Sarge comes and slits your throat! And your should buy the second season DVD, because it has Caboose tell you what happend in the last season...and of course its completely wrong!

Caboose: " Sargent, look... a sleeping person!"

Sarge : "What? Oh macaroon, he's not sleeping son, he's dead."

Caboose :" Oh good, at first... I thought that was me... Because, I am blue and I like to sleep. But if he is dead, that can not be me... that would be silly."

Caboose :" It must be nap time. But who has nap time now? Nap time comes before pants time, not after... I think these people are just making up times!"


A web series in which XBox's Halo game sequences are recorded and voiced over as a sitcom.

By the way, Sarge is right. There is no motion capture in Red vs Blue. Take that, Prof Chaos!

Tejas! Tejas!

The Puma.

Is this Blue Command?

Oh, yeah, man! Sure! Totally! What's going on?

You sure? The Blue Command Base?

Hey dude, take it easy. You called me. I didn't call youuuuu....


An internet series featuring to teams in the middle of a box canyon fighting a pointless war. There are two sides the red side, consisting of all the little red guys, the guys fighting in the canyon, Sarge, Grif, Simmons, Donut, and for a while, Lopez. On the other side, there is Church, Tucker, Caboose, and Tex

Sarge-Vic! I need an air strike and on the double!

Vic-can do sarge, ill have the air team target the blue forces now. ill just fax you the airstrike requisition forms.

sarge-We can't! i used some of the parts from the fax machine to make Simmons 2.0!

Simmons-(internet noises) Woah...must have been something I ate

Grif-Simmons, why is there paper coming out of your ass?


The funniest freakin thing on the net. Pay no attention to Gio as he is probably a mofo and douchebag who is to much of a n00b to understand it.

Simmons: Why warthog, sir?

Sarge: Cause, M12LRV is to hard to say in conversation, son.

Grif: Yeah, but why warhog? I think it looks more like a giant cat. Like a puma.

Sarge: And what in sam hell is a puma?

Simmons: You mean like the shoe company?

Grif: No, I mean like a puma. It's a giant cat.

Sarge: Youre making that up.


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