What is Requiem?
Requiem-A mass for a deceased person.
It is the first word of the Mass for the Dead in the Latin liturgy: "Requiem æternam dona eis, Domine ...."
requiem are an awesome alternative rock band from Manchesterr!! they've written loads of cool songs like "changes" and "find a way", the lead singer Ben Smith is hot!
"I went to see Requiem last night and the PWNED!! Ben Smith took his shirt off!"
A counterstrike name of someone who whores the AWP (Magnum Sniper) and doesnt use any other weapons.
Often says "OMFG pwnt" and using leet words to hide his coward sniping acts.
Dont go out there, requiem is camping it up with the fanny gun.
the act of placing your legs behind your head and having someone lick the inside of your ass.
requieming r0x my s0x.