Road Rage

What is Road Rage?


Taking your rage out on the road, especially on those motherfuckers who cut you off or tailgate you.


See rock fan


Road Rage is a condition that is created when lazy, uninterested and/or overworked traffic cops let ignorant drivers operate their vehicles in an illegal and aggressive manner that irritates the drivers around them. The end result is Road Rage. Road Rage can result in anything from foul gestures to the offending asshole being shot.

Until the police increase the number of citations they issue to asshole drivers, Jagoffs in Las Vegas will continue to create more Road Rage.

See asshole, tailgating


The uncontrolable feeling of wanting to plow your car into another drivers car.

I'm not giving way to you,you can keep driving forward but I'm going to give you some of my paint for free.Oh!!!! smart arse hey? Now I'm going to chase,and force my paintwork onto your car.Shit! Shit! Shit! Wish I had a faster car.

See Huge


The act or feeling of agression towards the dumbasses that share the nations hiways with one.

Road rage: if you don't have it, you're probably causing it.

See Jesus


its what every other driver in the world causes you to get this condition that makes you want to cuss and bitch the next 5 miles to your house..because the worst road rage you can get is always 5 miles from you want to get home so bad and you get behind some fucking slow ass and all you want to do is get home..happens every time

DAMNIT...stupid bastard where did you learn how to drive Head Up Ass School..get out of the damn way!


A term often misused by the media describing an individual who is angry that someone cuthim off or when a merge hopper passes or darts in front of him.

Under some circumstances, the rager is actually the total dick; the aggressive driver. When someone nearly kills you with some sort of punk assreckless driving move, your rage should NOT be coined "road rage," just as your rage at someone pointing a gunat you wouldn't be coined such or considered abnormal.

Scott: "I was driving along with my newborn and son in the car and this merge hopper darts in front of me. I had to SLAM on my brakes! My kids nearly went flying out of their child seats! I freaked! If the fucking media was there, they would have plastered it all over the 6 o'oclock as a "road rage" incident!"

Max: "I hear you dude, its like the assholepointed a gun at your kids heads and was pulling the trigger. He could have killed you all. I would have been pissed man, the media would have been there alright....doing the LEAD on a murder investigation!!"

See anger, vigilante, vindication


ROADRAGE:the situation in which u get so fuckin angry at the slow fucks, u scream (muffled, so no one can hear), u honk, nd u may even ram the fucker with ur car..happens at the worst time..

Stacy: *screamin at the top of her lungs* bitch, do ya like it in da ass cuz thats where my car will go if u dont move it, u dumb fuck!

Tony: whoa gurl u sure got a lot of road rage.

See dumbfucks, ramming, screaming, angry


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