
What is Rule?


Something that is higher in quality than all other things.

Peanut M&Ms rule!

See Katie


1. v. to succede, dominate, or do exceptionally.

2. v. to be better than the rest.

I ruled over that man who's ass I kicked.

O'Doyle rules.

See O'Doyle


A statement which denies people what they might want to do. Normally written after the event has happened. Does not stop people ignoring it, called breaking the rule, as most people are unaware of it, or think the rule is wrong. Breaking the rule usually incurs some penalty if caught doing so.

Rule 1 - Trespassers will be shot.

See written, rule, law, guide


(irule) One of the many internet rules.

Rule 34: If it exists, there's porn of it.

See rule, internet, 34, 26, 14


The more often than none, self proclamation that you find yourself to be the best representative for the action at hand.

I Rule! (with reference to EVERYTHING)


See jimmy, rule, whatever, james



1. Something that makes you have to do something.

2. A faggot ass pussy on Muredr Inc.

It's the M-U-R-E-D-R Inc., niggah! I'm the rapper who fags, and totes tampax in bags, and the feds can't just f**k me, straight up the ass, make the Rule scream Holla! in the prison beds because..., I'M HURTING!


something thats stupid and fat

i personaly think that rules are a disgrace to the human population but apparently the world leaders apear to think that they a neccisary precaution to stop the worlds shitholes from fucking up the world


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