What is 661?


Kern county and part of Los Angeles county . Bakersfield being the biggest then palmdale/lancaster and the valencia area. The 661 is known by the land of the lifted trucks

The 661 has sick trucks mann!

See kren, corn, 611, 662


Area code covering Canyon Country and pretty much the whole Santa Clarita Valley (SCV...Think Magic Mountain area)(Saugus, Newhall, Valencia, Stevenson Ranch, Santa Clarita). Area code is chock full of upper middle class young white families. Known for it's abundance of "bro's" and "bro hoes" (if unsure look of definitions), more trucks and Suv's per capita then any other area except the 909 and 949. Majority of teens and young people who have grown up in "da 661" try to mimick the styles and actions of people from the Orange County area codes, but are more "posers" than anything. Also there are more Hummer H2's here than in any other city in the Country

Her dad bought her a new Tacoma, she crashed it and had another new truck, all within two weeks... That is so 661, and she has no job.

See scv, bro's, posers, spoiled, dgaf, Mike


The area code of most of Kern County. Land of farms, and rednecks, and a bunch of black/hispanic gangmembers. If you gotta do something, try it in the 661.

So I wanted to burn some Thermite. I tried it in the 661.


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