
What is ¿?


An upside-down question mark

¿ done by pressing alt+168

See dont, have, any, thing, else


If you had a Mac, you could make this symbol by pressing 'Option + Shift + ?'

Mac User: Hey I learned Spanish! ¿Que?

Windoze User: How'd you do that symbol?

Mac User: ...

See ¿, ?, mac, pc, windows


A symbol used in languages (ex. Spanish) that is used for...stating that there is a question comming up? To most people (including me) don't see any point to this character, actually, who ever came up with this is a douche.

¿What the hell is this fucking character for?¿?

See ?, question mark, umm, fuck, idk


An upside down question mark. Done by pressing alt+0191, or alt+5544.

¿Como se dice Urnandictionary en espanol?


coolest question mark in the world. on a lap-top its Alt+/ of Alt+Shift+/

and on normal keyboards it's Alt+0191

Weaselboy13y: s^ homez¿

Da Matt Says:nm bitch...

See Weasel


Upside down question mark.

alt + 0191


An upside-down question mark used in Spanish or something, I dunno.

For my keyboard it is Alt + /

I doubt your penile keyboard does it that way.


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