
What is .45?


Generally refers to a very commonplace handgun cartridge first developed for the 1911A1 Colt Autopistol, available in FMJ and JHP. A rather bulky round with a weight of roughly 11 grams, the .45 ACP is seen as the ultimate manstopper by American shooters. Though it is a sub-sonic round that uses relatively low-pressure charge, its sheer size can deliver enough energy to very literally stop a man in his tracks. On the flip side however, it does not have a substantial amount of piercing power. Other .45 cartridges include the .45 LC (for Colt Revolvers), .45 GAP (Glock Auto Pistol), and the .45-60 high-powered revolver load.


1: A .45 caliber Firearm, usually a handgun.

2: A song written by Shinedown, with arguable many meanings but most certainly not about a breakup. many believe the song is about conformity and the dangers and sorrow of our shallow society.

"Yo nigga i bust you with my .45"

"send away for a priceless gift, one not suttle, one not o nt he list..."


it is a type of gun refured to as the colt 45

Im gunna bust a cap in your ass with my .45

See Double D


it iz the tipe of gun refured to a s the M-1911A1 .45 ACP, 45 Colt auto, the 1911, 45 auto, 45 automatic....da colt 45 be refuring to the .45 long colt, a revolverater round.

45 da gun a my choise an my iq.


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