1337 Day

What is 1337 Day?


1337 day is the 13th of March, 2007 (13/3/7). Unfortunately, not available to American counterparts due to their switching of the month and the day. 1337 Day will be celebrated by hax0rs alike around the world.

Student1: Yo, what youz doing on leet day?

Teacher: What is leet day?

Student2: Its teh fo shizzle j00 nub!!!!111

Teacher: Oh, you mean 1337 day. Whos teh nub now? i hax your mum.

Man I am so leet.

Maybe so, but I'm a 1337 hax0r, and its my bday in teh 07!

See leet, 1337, l33t, hacker, haxor, hax0r, hax, day, leet day, sickmate


1337 Day historically took place on the 13th of March, 2007 (13/3/7), and was originally not available to American counterparts due to their switching of the month and the day.

The next l337 Day to pass will fall on the 3rd of January, 2037 (1/3/37). Note: only available in America

1337 Day will be celebrated by hax0rs alike around the world.

(Distant Future)

H4x0r: Happy 1337 Day

kid: thanx grampa... here's your bed pan, try to keep it in your pants this time!

H4x0r: Well back in my day... (trails off about previous geekdom...)

See leet, 1337, l33t, hacker, haxor, hax0r, h4xor, leet day


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